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UBTECH Robotics to Play a Key Role in Hosting the IEEE RO-MAN 2024

2023-09-01 00:00


On August 31, 2023, local time in Busan, South Korea, during the awards ceremony of the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (IEEE RO-MAN 2023), the conference's standing and steering committee announced that IEEE RO-MAN 2024 will be hosted in the Pasadena of the greater Los Angeles area, USA. The role of General Chair for the conference will be assumed by Dr. Tan Huan, who is the Co-Chief Technology Officer of UBTECH Robotics as well as a Fellow of the IET and a recipient of the Early Government or Industry Career Award in Robotics and Automation of IEEE. UBTECH Robotics will play a pivotal role in hosting this prestigious event.


Dr. Tan Huan, as the General Chair for IEEE RO-MAN 2024, shared insights into the conference's preparations

The IEEE RO-MAN international conference is a flagship academic conference organized under the leadership of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS). Since its inception in Tokyo, Japan, in 1992, it has successfully convened 32 editions. The conference encompasses a wide array of research domains within human-robot interaction, including robotics technology, psychology, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, human factors, interaction-based design, cybernetics, and system science. Additionally, it encourages discussions and paper presentations spanning various research methodologies and outcomes, such as theoretical breakthroughs, technological innovations, methodologies, empirical and experimental studies.

Dr. TAN Huan stated, "It is a tremendous honor to represent our industry in hosting the esteemed IEEE RO-MAN conference. This recognition from the international scientific and technological community is deeply appreciated. We are eagerly looking forward to driving the continual advancement of innovative technologies, employing technology to address pressing societal challenges and fulfill critical societal needs. Our objective is to propel research in human-centric artificial intelligence technology, ushering in a new era of human-robot coexistence."

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