Logistics Smart Robotic Products and Solutions

Level-4 Autonomous Logistics Vehicle
High Flexibility Large Storage Powerful Performance

AMRs and AGVs
Industrial Level Diverse Scene Cost Effective

Automated Storage and Retrieval System
Large Storage Fast Transport Easy Management

Empower the B2C Logistics with AI + Robotics
Smart Logistics Robotic Solutions
Applied in multiple industries such as Automobile, Tire, 3C Electron, Battery,
to enhance the quality and efficiency in logistics operations
to enhance the quality and efficiency in logistics operations
Unmanned Factory
Unmanned Warehouse
Unmanned Delivery
Digitalized Platform System
Software and supporting services to empower robots, as well as to connect with clients' internal platforms,
so as to achieve comprehensive solutions.
so as to achieve comprehensive solutions.

Robotic Operating System
UPilot, the robotic operating
system, combines functions including navigating, locating, obstacle avoidance and
dispatching, so as to achieve comprehensive cluster management through
planning, ordering and supervising one or more logistics smart robotics in real time.
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